Attn: Business Owners, Professionals, & Entrepreneurs Struggling To Stand Out

"Transforms Your LinkedIn Profile Into a Business-Generation Machine!"

(Veteran or Newbie - Unlock Your Ultimate Authority in Just 3 Days… No Ads, No Tech Skills, No Experience Required!)

Time / Date:

September 30th - October 2nd @ 2:00pm EDT Daily

This FREE Challenge transforms your LinkedIn profile into a business-generating machine in just 3 days!

  • Disgusted by watching others “killing it” on social media (while you struggle)?

  • Sick of spending hours slaving away on social media?

  • Ready to get REAL business results for yourself?

Join the FREE "Authority Builders Challenge"

Discover how you can quickly leverage the world's premiere professional platform, LinkedIn, to showcase your expertise, get more leads, make more sales, and build high-quality customer relationships!

What’s Inside This Exclusive Authority Builders Challenge?

Build a Standout Profile: Learn the secrets to creating a LinkedIn profile that grabs attention, makes connections, and ultimately, drives sales!

Magnetic Personal Branding: Discover the formula to craft a personal brand that absolutely resonates with your target audience and establishes you as THE go-to authority in your field!

Attract Your Ideal Customers: Gain the insights to create a precise customer avatar that drives targeted engagement and makes ALL your outreach efforts feel effortless.

Interactive Training Sessions:

  • Build Your Brand - Become the trusted authority everyone wants to work with.

  • Define Your Voice & Your Audience - Create meaningful relationships for long-term business success.

  • Rock Your LinkedIn Profile - Transform your profile into a magnet for high-quality opportunities.

  • Create a Winning LinkedIn Business Page - Showcase your value to drive consistent leads & sales.

Access Cutting-Edge AI Tools

  • Ideal Customer Avatar Wizard - Pinpoint your perfect client instantly and focus on who matters most!

  • Personal Brand Statement AI Genie - Define your unique value and communicate what sets you apart!

  • LinkedIn Bio AI Genie - Elevate your LinkedIn presence and open doors to new business opportunities!

  • LinkedIn Business Page AI Genie - Create a business presence that drives consistent leads and sales!

Don’t Miss Out – Register Now - FREE!

Don't let this opportunity pass you by—secure your spot so you can craft a presence that captivates and converts! Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting out, this challenge is your gateway to mastering LinkedIn like a pro.

Take the first step toward amplifying your LinkedIn presence and establishing your authority.

Meet Your Mentors:

Jim Edwards

  • Bestselling Author &

    Copywriting Expert

  • 27+ Year Online Veteran

  • A.I. innovator and Pioneer

Joshua B. Lee

  • Human Connection Advocate

  • Digital Branding Expert

  • Visionary Entrepreneur

Matt Hagberg

  • Serial Entrepreneur

  • Digital Ads and Traffic Expert

  • Business and Marketing Consultant

Rachel B. Lee

  • Brand Marketing Ladyboss

  • Strategic Brand Architect

  • Authentic Change-Maker

"Joshua's insight and strategy around using LinkedIn is one of the best I have seen. He helped achieve all of our LinkedIn goals at Strategic Coach. Highly recommend."

~ Dan Sullivan - Founder and President at Strategic Coach

"Rachel will not only help you identify your brand niche, and find your tone of voice, but you’ll walk away with the confidence you need to move forward while you build your brand and work the sh*t out of it. I could not recommend her expertise enough."

~ Kate Lemere - The Four Percent

"Josh and his team implemented what I call a 3 point LinkedIn strategy that resulted in not only engaged prospects but actual conversions to paying clients. I highly recommend Josh without reservation."

~ Michael Rozbruch - Founder of Roz Strategies

"Rachel is a warrior…fierce, driven, confident. and highly motivated, yet she is kind, collaborative, well-liked, and highly respected by her peers and stakeholders. I absolutely loved having Rachel on the team…one of my very best hires ever. She is whip smart and will just “figure it out,” whatever it is. She is an advocate for great brands and great women leaders. If I wouldn’t get in trouble for it, I would take Rachel with me to every company I go to. She is a future CMO and #ladyboss. I can’t wait to watch her career journey…up and to the right quickly!"

~ Kelly Hopping - CMO, HYCU

"I have been working with Rachel and the team at Standout Authority for a number of months and already recommended them to a number of friends and colleagues. Rachel has done an exceptional job adapting the StandOut Authority services to what I am looking to do with my network. She and her team have also taken the team to learn and reflect my voice. I have learned a lot from them in the process. Very professional, very knowledgeable!"

~ Lisa Reshaur - Vice President, Risk and Resilience, Microsoft

"I know Josh talks about being the “Dopamine Dealer of Linkedin,” but he deals out Dopamine EVERYWHERE. His positivity and practical approach to making “human to human” (H2H) connections extends beyond Linkedin into everything he does, including meetings, presentations, and each conversation I’ve had with him. I highly recommend talking to him if you want to extend your reach in a genuine and effective manner. "

~ Mark de Grasse - DigitalMarketer

"Joshua is a real connector, and totally understands the value of “giving” before you “get.” His approach of genuine human interaction, and building actual meaningful relationships on LinkedIn is a breath of fresh air. There are way too many people who do mass automated outreach on LinkedIn. Joshua is channeling the value of real human connection, and his approach works."

~ Chris Botvidson - CEO, Fuel & Spark Media

"If there is one person I would pick as an expert who knows the value of Linkedin and how it works, it’s Joshua. If there is one person on Linkedin that makes a lot of sense on business growth and creator economy, it’s Joshua. You can never go wrong with Joshua."

~ Baaghil - Brand Futurist, Global Brand Consultant, Author, and Speaker

"Josh is amazing to work with. He guided me in developing my signature program and continues to help me with my LinkedIn strategy. He's super knowledgeable, highly intuitive, authentic and gets it. If you are thinking of working with Josh, do not hesitate!"

~ Amy Matthews - Woman UnRuled, High Performance Consultant and Executive Champion

"In today’s global social media, there is minimal human-to-human relationship. People are fixated on “Likes” and about the number of Friends and Connections they have. But such measures rarely bring forward results. Josh B. Lee has brought in a wonderful and REAL new perspective of how human-to-human communication and connection can occur on a social media platform like LinkedIn. If you want to grow your business and use LinkedIn as a Social Media platform then Josh is your guy!"

~ Boaz Fischer - Author, CEO and Founder

"I attended a virtual workshop of Rachel and I was so impressed and enlightened by her personal brand presentation. She was so transparent and really wanted the attendees to dig deep when it came to breaking down their personal brand. She stretched us, engaged with us, and had the audience involved in the presentation with lots of Q&A being attentive to the needs of her audience. It was a great workshop and loved the approach. Rachel is definitely an SME (subject matter expert) on personal branding."

~ Michelle McDowell - HR Coordinator,

SunTrust now Truist

"Joshua B. Lee delivered a virtual LinkedIn training session, which was attended by approximately 150 team members at Gartner ranging from junior associates to VPs. During the session, he provided actionable advice on several important topics including the most effective ways to engage others on LinkedIn, best practices for growing your network and recommendations for building compelling content, among other topics. The session was incredibly valuable and senior leaders within the organization have already requested that Joshua deliver the same training to other teams across the business. Joshua’s depth of expertise and experience in this area are evident and I strongly recommend this training for any business looking to expand their network and boost engagement via LinkedIn."

~ Brandon Brunson - Director of Enterprise Communications, Coursera

Specific DISCLAIMER: The name / trademark LinkedIn is the exclusive property of LinkedIn. The Authority Builders Challenge and Authority Builders Workshop are not connected, associated with, or endorsed by LinkedIn or any entity connected with LinkedIn. The views expressed on this site, the Challenge, or in the Workshop are strictly our own. We have the utmost respect for LinkedIn, love their platform, and use them daily (and encourage our customers to do so as well), but we are not endorsed by LinkedIn in any way. We obviously cannot guarantee that you'll get results on LinkedIn using what we teach you (we have not idea your business model, experience level, skills, etc.). You may do well. You may do poorly. You may even get worse results. All we can promise is to tell you what works for us, our clients, and what we see that works on the platform.

No Warranties or Guarantees:

The information provided in the Authority Builders Challenge, the Authority Builders Workshop, or on this site is for educational purposes only. While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, we make no warranties or guarantees, express or implied, about any outcomes or results you may achieve by using the information provided.

Individual Responsibility:

Any decisions you make based on the information provided are your sole responsibility. We are not liable for any results or consequences that may arise from applying the techniques or strategies taught in the Challenge, Workshop, or on this site.

Third-Party Disclaimer:

Mention of any third-party products, services, or websites, including LinkedIn, does not constitute an endorsement by us. We are not responsible for the actions or policies of any third parties.

Copyright 2024. All Rights Reserved - Guaranteed Response Marketing, LLC

Copyright 2023. All Rights Reserved - Guaranteed Response Marketing, LLC